Medicated Ghee is a traditional Ayurvedic preparation made from cow’s milk and therapeutic herbs. The Ghee health benefits are many, ranging from different medical therapies to treat several physical and mental health issues. Ghee has a unique property called Samskarasya Anuvartanat, according to Ayurveda. This means that Ghee can take in the properties of herbs that may be added to it without compromising its qualities. According to the Vedas, Ayurvedic Ghee, also known as Ghritham, is the body’s first and most important fuel. The fragrant, nutritious milk of grass-fed cows grazed in a clean, unpolluted area would create the wonderful golden liquid in earlier times. The Ayurvedic Ghee for health ranks at the top of the list of must-have foods list. Ghee has no carbs because it is almost entirely composed of fat. Ghee is entirely fat, like most cooking oils. Fifteen grams of fat – 9 grams of saturated fat – are in one tablespoon. The remaining fat content includes less than one gram of polyunsaturated fat and around 5 grams of healthy monounsaturated fat. Ghee has more calories and fat than ordinary butter since it is more concentrated (including saturated fat). If the milk solids aren’t entirely removed during the clarifying process, Ghee may still keep traces of protein. Ghee’s micronutrient content can vary depending on the brand and the cows’ diet that provides the milk. A teaspoon of Ghee typically provides: 8% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin A; 2% of the RDI for vitamin E; 1% of the RDI for vitamin K. For your body to absorb the nutrients effectively, it is preferable to use a tiny amount of Ghee in your meals that contain fat-soluble nutrients. Ghee is divided into two groups: the one obtained from grain-fed cattle and the one obtained from grass-fed cattle. Pure & Organic A2 Gir Cow Ghee, prepared with love for you. A2 Ghee from the Indian cow is a vital source of complete nutrition and taste, and the product is traditionally the ancient Bilona method – the milk is boiled and cooled. A spoonful of cottage cheese is added to the milk and left overnight at room temperature. The curd is kneaded to extract the butter (Makkhan). The butter is heated so that the water evaporates leaving behind milk solids and pure Ghee. The cow grazes freely on open pastures with the help of forage selection. The presence of herbal plants like Shatavari, Jivanti, Ashwagandha and others in animal feed has a significant impact on milk and ghee. Gir cows on average give 6-8 litters of milk every day, 25 to 30 litters are needed to make 1 litter of A2 Gir Ghee, which is “rich” than the rest. The taste and colour of A2 Gir Ghee varies from batch to batch because it is prepared in small batches in earthen pots under manual control. Moreover, forage for cows often changes according to climatic conditions. This results in using the properties of milk and its products which are rich in proteins i.e., has the amino acid proline. A2 Gir Ghee in prescribed amounts helps lower cholesterol levels and is considered the best way to prevent heart blockages, thereby improving your overall heart health. In Ayurveda, both Ghee and Honey are prized for their positive effects on human health. Ghee and Honey together in equal amounts can become poisonous and be harmful to your health. A toxin known as Clostridium Botulinum, which can cause stomach-aches, and even lung problems, quickly spreads throughout the body when Ghee and Honey are combined – particularly in low-oxygen high quality and clean environments! There is no need to explain Honey’s benefits. Since ancient times, Honey has been renowned for its therapeutic benefits. Honey has several health benefits for humans, from treating sore throat and cough to naturally sweetening foods and beverages. Honey is well known for its antifungal and antibacterial characteristics, and various medical studies have also covered its health benefits.